Detox Your Life

Toxins. If you knew how many toxins are present in the world around us: in our food, in our water, in our furniture, in our skin care products, in our cleaning products, in the air we breathe… It’s just too much.

When I first started reading about toxins and their presence in and around our world, I couldn’t believe it. I was astounded. I won’t get into all of those details. However, it is important that we take a productive and practical approach to how we can survive with all of these toxins surrounding us. This article will focus on just that. How to be productive and practical in living a toxic free life. It may not be 100% toxic free, but we will get as close as we can.
One of the things I always tell Patients and those around me is this: we cannot control the world around us and our environment. What we can control as what we put in and on our bodies and what we bring into our homes. And that is what we will focus on here. So let’s get started.
Your body. What we are putting in our body is really important and can affect not only the way we feel, but also the way we will feel in the future. With that being said, let’s focus on food, water and personal care products.
Food: go organic whenever possible. Conventional produce is loaded with pesticides which are toxic to our bodies, especially gut health.

Water: I’m sure you all know that conventional tapwater in major cities is loaded with toxins and heavy metals. Bottled water is also loaded with toxins due to plastics melting into the water. Your best bet: obtain a high-quality filter to be used in your home, ideally a reverse osmosis system or even an alkaline system.There are also devices that can treat your water, ridding it of toxins and purifying it so that it is safe to drink.
A great device to try at home is the Somavedic device and this is the one that I personally use at home. It can treat your water while also clearing your entire home of EMFs and other invisible toxins. You can learn more about a Somavedic device for your home here:

Personal care products: ditch all of those well-known name brands of lotion, face wash, soap and hair care products. Use only organic and natural toxic free products whenever possible. Remember: your skin is the largest organ of your body and anything that is absorbed through your skin goes directly into your bloodstream. So choose wisely.Brands to consider: Seventh Generation, Avalon Organics
Ingredients to absolutely avoid at all costs:
BPA’s Pthalates Fragrance
Remember that fragrance can mean anything. It is a blanket term that has been created for the protection of manufactures ingredients list and “recipes”. In some cases, arson has been found in products listing fragrance as one of the ingredients. Avoid fragrance. No matter what.
Please also know that most of the ingredients in conventional products are loaded with endocrine disruptors. Endocrine disruptors are tiny chemicals that act like hormones and can create chaos in the delicate hormonal cascade. Endocrine disruptors have been linked to things such as brain dysfunction, infertility, auto immune diseases and more.

I will be providing you all with a product list of what I use personally to create a toxic free home.

Stay posted for that in the next post in this series of Detox Your Life.

Have you started detoxing your life yet?

How is it going for you?

Let me know in the comments below or send me an email.